Incandescent vs LED Lights in Red Light Therapy

Incandescent vs LED Lights in Red Light Therapy

Incandescent vs LED Lights in Red Light Therapy Red Light Therapy has been investigated in thousands of research studies over the last 50 years. Until the early 2000’s, most studies used lasers as the light source, but more recently, LED lights have become popular due to their affordability, safety, and ease of at-home use. LED […]

Red Light Therapy vs Ice

Red Light Therapy vs Ice. If you were to take a sample of doctors and athletic trainers and ask them what therapy they recommend that people use for post-exercise muscle recovery, you are guaranteed to find that a majority will tell you to apply ice.  Cryotherapy or icing has long been considered the gold standard […]

Light Therapy for Brain Disorders

Light Therapy for Brain Disorders Our understanding of brain health as being fundamental to our overall well-being dates to the time of the ancient Greeks. “Mens sana in corpore sano”, which translates to “a healthy mind in a healthy body”,  was a foundational part of the Hippocratic philosophy. Hippocrates introduced the first classification of mental […]

Light Therapy for Inflammation

Light Therapy for Inflammation Inflammation is one of the most popular topics in healthcare, and rightfully so. It is a hallmark of many diseases currently ravaging modern society, such as arthritis, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and depression. Inflammation is also associated with acute diseases involving the heart, pancreas, […]

Top 10 Evidence-Based Uses for Red Light Therapy

Top 10 Evidence-Based Uses for Red Light Therapy I, Dr. Genevieve Newton, DC, PhD, was first introduced to red light therapy (also known as photobiomodulation, or PBM) several years ago when I was looking for a natural treatment to reduce the appearance of surgical scars. At the time, I was very impressed with the research […]