
organic hemp lotion

Mysa refers to a relaxed, protected time in which we allow ourselves to disconnect from our day-to-day stress. In a world that moves forward at an incredible pace, we created Fringe Mysa to allow you a present moment. Take a whiff and chill out.

our hemp topical only has one active ingredient. keep it simple.

Effective – There are 1000 mg of hemp oil in a 4 oz tube of Fringe Mysa. We wanted to provide incredible value.

Simple – There are no additional heating or cooling ingredients in Fringe Mysa, in an effort tohelp users understand what ingredient is actually helping them.

Enjoyable – With the addition of lavender, yuzu, and lemon essential oils, Fringe Mysa smells asgood as it works!

getting started

Fringe Mysa may show benefits when applied topically to your skin for reducing discomfort and helping common skin conditions. Use Fringe Mysa as needed. Always consult with your healthcare provider before beginning a new supplement regimen.

commitment to testing and quality

We are 100% dedicated to ensuring quality in our products. Fringe Mysa is originally farmed, USA grown, non-GMO Hemp. It is tested for potency, purity, heavy metals, microbials, residual solvents, and pesticides at three stages in our production.

Scan the QR Code on your packaging to view the certificate of analysis of your batch.

coa mysa

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to below, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!

How Does Hemp Help?

How can it be that one molecule can supposedly help with so many aspects of human health? The answer to that question is both compelling and complex. The complexity of hemp’s physiological effects increases exponentially when you consider that hemp has more than 65 molecular targets in the body.Hemp is said to exhibit “promiscuous pharmacological activity” because it affects such a wide range of receptor targets, which may have a profound effect on our overall health. Everyone experiences results from hemp differently, so check out our advice on how to get started on your personal journey.

How is using a topical hemp product different from an ingested hemp product?

Topical hemp products are applied directly to the skin and are minimally absorbed into the deeper tissues. Topical products also undergo very minimal absorption into the bloodstream (if any). Topical hemp products will provide superficial and local effects but will not pass into the blood to affect distant tissues. This is the main difference between topical hemp and orally ingested products, which are absorbed into the body and distributed in systemic circulation.For patients who are using hemp to treat multiple conditions (for example, anxiety and neuropathic pain), combining topical and orally ingested hemp could provide greater benefit than using a single product.