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It's time to change our perspective on health and healing

Light heals

nature heals

breath heals

light heals

Light is a powerful healing force. As our bodies bathe in sunlight, or light designed to mimic sunlight; our physiology changes. Light activates a healing cascade inside of our body and mind. Our warps, panel, wand, and masks harness that awesome solar power to help you and your loved ones heal.

nature heals

For thousands of years, we understood that healing existed all around us - in nature. Our ancestors sourced their healing remedies and tonics from plants, not pills. We're here to bring back simple, natural, earth-based healing supplements for you and your family.

breath heals

Take a deep breath - drawing fully in through your nose for 4-5 seconds. Slowly exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Didn’t that feel good? Breath can literally heal you, decreasing anxiety and even reducing inflammation. Our breath tool serves as a handy reminder to be mindful of your breath - it is, after all, the source of life.

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We’re stoked you’re thinking about joining our affiliate program! Help others discover the amazing benefits of Red Light Therapy & Supplements while earning some sweet rewards. At Fringe, we’re all about making health and wellness accessible to everyone.Ready to jump in? Hit the link below to apply and start spreading the love.

Got questions? Reach out to us anytime at affiliate@fringeheals.com – we’re here to help!

how we heal

It’s tough out there these days – we spend 93% of our time indoors, our food supply is depleted of vital minerals, we take short, quick breaths, we rarely touch the outdoors. But while our health challenges are increasingly complex, our solutions needn’t be. 

Mother Nature has long been a guide, offering us a healing roadmap that we’ve wandered from. But by bridging Yesterday’s Medicine with Today’s Science, we can start to find our way back. We have known for thousands of years what makes us feel good, and science is now catching up.

At Fringe, we’re excited to understand how we traverse this healing journey, bringing you products, education, and a community that heals. Let’s begin. 

who is fringe?

Great question. We are a group of normies, doctors, professors, creatives, nerds, and seekers passionate about helping ourselves and our community heal through the traditional healing practices of our past. We believe in keeping the vibes up, our eyes wide open, and our hearts full. We have a hope for the future, a healing hope for us all, and we take this mission very seriously… but not too seriously, you know? Welcome to the fam.

fringe heals

Our bodies have an incredible capacity for healing, let’s get after it.

Yesterday’s Medicine, Today’s Science

The outer edges. The fringe is where we can be who we are,
where we have always belonged.